One of the Natural/Original reggae artist that ever lived

marley quote

Saturday, February 19, 2011

My wonderful school badge-Just a little INSPIRATION

Rasmussen College
I feed off of acquiring an education, because it is out there for the taking. I just don't understand why some people don't want to continue or didn't finish. I am not judging, I am just trying to inspire positive thoughts, because in this country known as the " United States of America", it is well-known to have great opportunitites for anyone to become whatever they want to be or choose, for their career. 
This country has the means to help people that want to continue their education that may have low-income. That isn't something new in this country. Don't think that it isn't possible to acquire your education even if you have a family or became older? That is such a hindrance that the devil wants people to think to make them to continue having negative thoughts that will only keep a person stagnant from even to start working on their life. Every time something needs to be accomplished you have to remember there is always a starting point to get to the finish line. God Bless you all.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Lovers day with Lovers songs-some of my favorite

These are just some of my favorite songs from childhood up until now that I enjoy listening to, especially on days like this such as Valentine's Day. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

My awesome school

This is my wonderful school at Rasmussen College that I have posted about that is giving me an opportunity of a lifetime to acquire my higher learning. I have been enrolled in the school since October of last year and I am so happy for myself. I see a brighter future for me.

This month they are having a survey for the students to fill out, and the most students that fill out the survey will receive an iPad or Sony Reader. Isn't that awesome. Now their are different campuses that are competing in this contest to win. Our campus-online is winning so far being in third place. If we win this contest only one of the students will win. I am so excited for myself, because I have filled out the survey already. Please pray for me y'all.



I am here to wish everyone the happiest valentine's day possible. Usually on this day I don't have a significant other to express my love to and more. That is alright though, because I have my beautiful children to express my love to. It doesn't only have to be a significant other to express your feelings to on this particular day. Take this opportunity like regular days to relay your feelings to your loved ones in a whole. You never know when it is your day, so take advantage of everyday, not just this day on February 14th.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

What do I say about anything?

Today is a day where I feel really down and out for some reason that I can't get my finger on. I tried to talk to my husband about certain feelings but it didn't turn out the way that I would have expected it to. I do love and care about my husband, but sometimes I don't understand him. We are a married couple but for some reason like normal couples, we don't spend any quality time with each other, and it is taking a toll on my self-worth.

Bing in a situation where I feel confused and lonely, where I do know what I want and need, but can't reach it is very frustrating for me. I feel that I have come too far from a lot of negative experiences, and it put a damper on certain emotional aspects in my life. At times I don't know how to feel and to make my own self happy. I don't depend on anyone else to make me happy, because they will be a life filled with misery and expectations from people. I am trying to learn how to enjoy just the little things to make me happy and have peace in my life. These are the times I try to think or talk about the great experiences that I have been through. Here is one of them recently attending my "little cousin no more" wedding this past August in 2010. It was one of the best wedding that I have been to. It wasn't because he was my cousin that I say that. I mean when I looked into their eyes, I saw the love just shining through, and that they were so happy together. They planned this wedding for a while before the actual ceremony. They canceled the first initial date of the wedding and changed it to another date. I am mentioning that because they new that they were in love and they got engaged maybe a year before the actual wedding date. The food at the reception was lovely and delicious. Half of the family participated in preparing the food, which I am sure saved them money in the long run from caterers. I got to see cousins that I haven't seen in years that was there and they felt the same way when they saw me. The church that I grew up in I wasn't there since I was a teenager, and those people that I have known and grew up with for a long time was so happy to see me and I was happy to see them. It just brought back such happy memories from my childhood that I would like to experience again, but you know that ain't going to happen. So back to reality, which is enjoying the happy times in my life and here is one for you to enjoy. See you next time.

Me and my cousin

My son and my Grand Aunt
My two cousins posing in the background
My two cousins again

Friday, February 11, 2011

Feeling all sorts of ways

Don't know how to feel at times
I know that I should be more positive at this point in time of my life. I am married with a beautiful husband that have many qualities that I admire and which are hard to find in a spouse. We have been together for the last 6 years, and we have been through a lot of ups and downs where there were more down times. We recently started to get onto the right track where he is really trying to change his negative ways to improve the marriage. I am recognizing those important changes to not only improve the marriage, but my self-worth as well.

When me and my husband used to argue at each other, we used to call one another such bad names that we couldn't take back till' this day. I recently stopped trying to sabotage our marriage at times during arguments by trying to run him away forever. I just admitted that to my husband recently. I was doing those things, because I felt so guilty about the situations that we caused one another and we were continuing to act very vulgar and mean towards each other for a while. I didn't really understand before, but now I realize that words can cause lot of mental damage and anguish. I feel really hurt and devastated on the damage that happened between us, and even though we are still together, I think about the past that was bad all the time. Continuing to think negative is only hurting our marriage, not helping it and making the good times that we do have seem non-existent.

We both feel that we should try from scratch no matter what we have done to each other in the past 6 years that we have been together. I am not saying that the whole 6 years of our relationship was negative, but I am saying that it took a whole lot of work to get where we are presently at right now. I am grateful for that because I am well aware that it does take daily work to have a strong relationship.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

What to do with myself

This is me at Great Adventures last summer
I am here back again just trying to update my blog on you guys about what is going on with me. A lot has happened since I last posed some things on my blog. I have neglected it long enough, but I have good reasons. I have recently enrolled in a college online that I really enjoy. I decided to go back to college to finish earning my Bachelor's Degree. I want to get a Bachelor's Degree in Healthcare Management, because I already have my Associates Degree in Office Administration-Medical. I recently wanted to change my major to just Business Management. I feel that having that general degree in Business Management could still gain me a career working as a Healthcare Manager and many more options, opposed to just Healthcare Management.

It took a long time for me to find a college online that was accredited to be able to have employers accept my degree to give me an opportunity. For you guys out there looking for a great online college where you can still have full-time employment while earning your degree without worrying about time management, Rasmussen College is the online college for you. They also have campuses around the country, but it a great option to have online courses that you can be able to log onto anytime you like and do your assignments, get feedback from instructors, meet classmates, have resources to be able to finish your homework all online. I LOVE IT! I am so proud of myself, because I have a 3.2 average so far. I sometimes be hard on myself to achieve a higher grade than 80's and 90's like I am perfect. For some reason I want to always have 100% on my tests and assignments all of the time, and when that doesn't happen, I get a little disappointed. I have to realize that I am still doing excellent and I am working hard. I have to give myself more credit, because I have 3 children that I take care of throughout the day, and I still have the opportunity to be able to finish school and learn. Nothing is going to stop me now. Education will get me anywhere I want to go. GO FOR EDUCATION! Education is everything. God Bless.


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