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Tuesday, November 24, 2009


my opinion


I went to Walmart a few weeks ago to pick up some under garments for my 3 1/2 year old daughter, and I decided to add in some beauty products. I ran out of a deep conditioner, so I decided to try "Organic Root Stimulator" brand Hair Mayonnaise treatment for damaged hair. It contained all these natural ingredients that are excellent for the hair. I have read reviews and opinions on different natural hair websites, like Nappturality, Associated Content, and Afrobella to name a few.

I needed a product for my natural hair. I am a natural hair wearing sista, so I neeeds MOISTURE at all times. A product that lets my hair retain moisture and Organic Root Stimulator Hair Mayonnaise did the job.  The ingredients seem natural and not with those harsh chemicals like Mineral Oil and Petrolatum, which prevents moisture from entering your scalp.

My hair came out so soft and shiny from the first time using the Hair Mayonnaise. I left it in over night with a plastic cap on from sitting under the conditioning heating cap for 45 minutes. I washed it out the next afternoon. It was so soft and shiny and it seem stronger, more curl definition and my products saturated my hair better.

Here is a clip from community essence groups:


I also went to Costco and picked up a 40 oz pump-like bottle of Dove Daily Moisture Therapy Shampoo for dry, rough hair with a Moisturizing Serum. I read the ingredients, because I have created a habit of reading the back of labels off of anything that I buy. I'm just interested on what is in the things that I buy. It doesn't have any harsh ingredients that is known for not being good for natural hair. I figure it is a good habit, to know exactly what your putting in your body, whether its topical or not. It makes you wonder sometimes, like if you can't understand what the ingredients are, why would you put it in your system and wait for whatever to happen. It's better to be more knowledgeable and cautious.

I washed my hair with this Moisturizing Shampoo before I Deep conditioned with the Organic Root Stimulator Hair Mayonnaise. It didn't make my hair feel brittle or dry. My hair felt soft and supple, not robbed of all its natural moisture. I wanted to wait and see if the first time results would happen again for the second time, so I can know for sure that this was a good moisturizing Shampoo. I wash my hair at least weekly, so this is my opinion from using the Dove Shampoo for the third time since I brought it. I like the shampoo and I will continue to buy.


Now this protein treatment is the first time that I have used this. I have been reading about this Aphogee for a long time. I have been watching videos on You Tube and reading about it on natural hair blogs, and I wanted to try it. I have been negleting my hair and my deep conditioning routine since I had my third baby, and she is 6 months old now. My hair was starting to get real dry and brittle and it seemed like when I would do a hot oil treatment, the oil wouldn't saturate my scalp like it was supposed to. I had split ends, not so bad, but I could see that it was starting to split at some strands.

I used to be on a strict routine of washing, then deep conditioning then finally rinsing with apple cider vinegar on my hair weekly. I wouldn't miss, and at that time, my hair was in its best state. I noticed a big difference on the way I would comb my hair and it would be kind of tangled. It wasn't like that before I started neglecting it. I was able to easily manipulate the comb through my hair when I would detangle with conditioner. So I decided "buy it and try it" .

One thing for sure, you have to be very careful on following the directions, exactly, as it illustrates on the bottle. If you don't, you will pay the price. I have read on some reviews, that it smelled like rotten egg and it stinks very badly. I think that it has a smell, but not that bad as some people describe, bug every body has their own opinion. One thing I don know for sure, that all of that hard work is worth it, because my hair came out so much stronger, softer, shinier, and more curl definition. The problem with my products not adhering to my hair strands was gone. My hair was more moisturized now because of the oils now saturating my scalp like it is supposed to. I will continue to use this every 6 weeks. EXCELLENT!


Now I brought this conditioner on a whim, even though it has great ingredients. I was sort of skeptical at first because of the 79 cents price tag. Don't be fooled about price tags, because this is a conditioner that I use for detangling purposes. I would wash my hair, deep condition then saturate my hair with this conditioner on sections of my hair and use my detangling brush. I would take out the braids in sections the following day and my hair was so shiny and moisturized and I didn't have to moisturize my hair often, until maybe 4 days.

I recently started using conditioner as my detangler and moisturizer. I was looking for a leave-in conditioner that is going to leave my soft, looking and feeling moisturized. I have tried numerous hair lotions and it would leave a residue in my hair when it dried. I have recently saw a video on You Tube and a woman was using conditioner as her detangler and she was doing it for a long time. I decided to try it to, because it wouldn't hurt. Sometimes you learn something by just taking that chance.

I have been using this White Rain Fortifying Conditioner for like a month and a half now, and I love it. It made my hair stronger, because it contains Fruit oils and concentrates. Panthenol, being one of the main ingredients that you look for in a conditioner

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