One of the Natural/Original reggae artist that ever lived

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Some of my Natural Inspirations {mind and/or spirit}

One of my Natural Hair and/or Spiritual Inspirations  

Every time I see (Jill Scott), whether it be on television, magazines, or even if I hear her on the radio, I get inspired because of her attitude as well. She is one of the prime examples of what being "Natural" really means.

Her music, I think is very much so underrated. I think it is because she mostly sings about love and Soul music, which is not really attracting this up and coming generation to much. Whats more attractive nowadays is superficial music and dialogue that's so typical. I am more into the Old school music, because it's Naturally speaking about life and real love, and how to maintain that.

natural hair

I don't know thisv woman's name, truly embarassing, but anyway I have seen her a lot on I think the TV show, "Entertainment Tonight", if I am not mistaken. If it's not that show, then it's one of those entertainment news shows.  I am quite sure about that one because I watch those shows all of the time. If that's the case you would think that I would know her name. I will find out though, for sure.

Soon as I saw her hair for the first time, I was so inspired by the way her Natural hair was styled. It seems like more of a braid-out than a twist out. Ever since that first time I saw her hair, I would look for her when I would watch the show, just to see her hairstyle. She maintains her hair very well which I love. She has the Natural personality to go with it as well.

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India Arie, of course will be in this category, because she has been Natural since, she came out onto the scene, and I am sure before that. Her personality really shines through her music, which is so soulful and reminds me of Peace and teaches me to be nobody but yourself, because you look at yourself in the mirror at the end of the day. She is just not afraid of being who she is, no matter what anybody says. Except her for who she is or nothing else.

I think her music is underrated as well, because some people think that facing reality sometimes is scary.
It is at times, but we all have to do it sometimes, and I think that her music really reflects that we all have to look at ourselves sometimes and realize we have to be REAL within ourselves, and that's why I love some India Arie.


This is of course one of my Ultimate Favorites Natural Woman, Erykah Badu. She is such an eclectic person as well as her personality to go with it. She is what you call "Soul Music", very underground and witty, very catchy, if you have ever watched her perform. You wouldn't have a choice but to get up and dance, because her lyrics are so spiritual, but real at the same time.

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