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Friday, November 13, 2009

Ought to be Ashamed

Bad Influence

Chris Brown ought to fell really ashamed for even trying to promote any album or himself on BET today. What he, allegedly, has done to the beautiful Rihanna is inexcusable on every level. She is a woman, not a man for the outcome to be the way it was from just a disagreement about, whatever. He ought to continue his sentence for community service, counseling and whatnot to have more time to think about what he has caused. Click on the link to watch Rosci from 106 & Park on BET interview Chris Brown. 

For such a young man of his age, he has a lot of life lessons ahead of him. So hopefully he learned from this one. Only time will tell, because you can't play an act for so long. The real person will come out sooner than later.

He did some interviews recently, on Larry King Live, talking about what happened between him and Rihanna. My opinion is that he wasn't honest or genuine with his comments. He was stuttering and he really didn't know how to put his words together to even make a statement, because I just think he was feeling embarrassed and ashamed for even talking about it. He felt like he was "On the Spot" sort to speak, the light was shining on him, but his performance is not positive or innocent entertainment.

There are  a lot of people in this world that are not doing things positively, because this is not a perfect world. But then you have other people who strive for perfection by believing in the Higher Power, which is God of course and trying to teach others how to attain the same things in their life. Those are the people that are going to manifest actions showing others that they are not perfect, but I am trying to accomplish things in life that are beneficial to me and others around me.

I grew up with this saying, "Birds of a feather flock together", which is so true. That saying means that if you are not the type of person that manifest negativity, and the people that you associate yourself with do, why are you talking to them or associating yourself with them if your not of that caliber.

I learned that when a person is miserable, they want company. Like the saying goes "Misery loves Company", which is so true. Most people that are miserable like to wallow in their misery, because that is their comfort zone, they don't know any better.

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