One of the Natural/Original reggae artist that ever lived

marley quote

Saturday, February 19, 2011

My wonderful school badge-Just a little INSPIRATION

Rasmussen College
I feed off of acquiring an education, because it is out there for the taking. I just don't understand why some people don't want to continue or didn't finish. I am not judging, I am just trying to inspire positive thoughts, because in this country known as the " United States of America", it is well-known to have great opportunitites for anyone to become whatever they want to be or choose, for their career. 
This country has the means to help people that want to continue their education that may have low-income. That isn't something new in this country. Don't think that it isn't possible to acquire your education even if you have a family or became older? That is such a hindrance that the devil wants people to think to make them to continue having negative thoughts that will only keep a person stagnant from even to start working on their life. Every time something needs to be accomplished you have to remember there is always a starting point to get to the finish line. God Bless you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is a good thing that you have decided after a decade and more to go back to school and complete your education. But to make a comment such as you have is as you say you're not doing and that is being judgemental. I'm sure that when you were not completing your edu. you've experienced many situations as we all have, which held us back due to circumstance.. So to say now at this time in your life that you dont understand other peoples lack of inspiration is something many would be unable to wrap their heads around I'm sure. Exactly what do you mean in making this type of comment? Do you think that everyone in the USA should be in school pursuing higher edu. no matter what?


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