One of the Natural/Original reggae artist that ever lived

marley quote

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Just Thinking

Thinking about MYSELF!

Sometimes I feel that is the wrong thing to do. It's not, because in order for me to function properly with productivity, I have to take care of myself mentally, emotionally, as well as verbally. Telling and reminding myself that I am somebody and I am important to myself. If I don't manifest that within myself I can't expect nobody else to do that for me. I am important just like everybody else in this lifetime. I didn't ask to be hear and to experience the negative circumstances in my life.

I have to keep reminding myself to do that, because I will feel like "WOE IT'S ME" for the majority of my life, and it's too overwhelming. The 'Negative' thoughts all the time about my past and how it is effecting my present life and my marriage. I have to Moooooooooooooove on, for real. If I feel that it's impossible to move on, I will never have a positive or productive/happy future.

I want to be happy and at peace within myself. It just seems like their are a lot of distractions mentally that I can't seem to shake. Even though my mother and father are not in my life, I still refuse to let them go in a sense of not being a part of my life. I just can't understand, being a mother myself, that she could not have a relationship with her children, is beyond my understanding.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Husband Doesn't Love Me Anymore

I am having problems in my marriage right now and I am not happy. I didn't expect to feel like I am loosing myself. I can't eat properly. I am not really taking care of myself like I used to, because I am constantly thinking about my marriage. I don't want to feel so alone and neglected. He acts like he doesn't care when I express my feelings to him. He constantly hurts me by yelling and screaming at me all the time and not being receptive to my feelings. It just seems like a psychological game to him or something, while I am all emotional at those times.

It's no intimacy, romance, or spending time together. When that stops in a marriage for a looong period of time, expect your marriage to end soon. That is where we are at right now. When I try to talk to him about that, for some reason he takes it personal and he's defensive. He just ignores me and rejects me. It seems that when we are not intimate, that doesn't bother him, which I think is unusual. A man that loves a woman and vise versa will want to spend that quality time with each other. That's important to them, to enhance and maintain there marriage. It shows you care. He is the opposite of the typical. I just feel that it is a sign that he doesn't love me anymore.

I don't know how to feel or what to do. I know that I don't deserve this type of treatment. I am a good woman and was raised with morals and respect. I understand and except reality, but I can't accept when a person can treat you any way that he feels with no conscious. It just baffles my mind to treat someone that I call myself loving and marrying, then had 2 children with that way. He called me "UGLY" and that "YOU LOOK LIKE A MAN" numerous times enough. That was the icing on the cake. It was like a hot knife slicing through my heart.

He broke my heart so bad that I don't know if that scar can heal enough to be able to move on with him. It hurts too much to even look at him for a certain length of time. One of the reasons that you would marry someone is to maybe make there lives even happier and enriched. Not make them feel like their useless and worthless. That's how he makes me feel. My self-esteem is so low at this point, and I want it to end somewhere.

When you marry someone you have strong feelings for them obviously, but at some point reality sets in. Changes do happen between people every now and then and circumstances do occur. It's up to the couple to support one another unconditionally to be able to get through the "STORMS". If that doesn't exist in the marriage, then eventually resentment and bad feelings start to happen.

I want to know is anyone, woman or man, going through a Bad Marriage and don't know what to do? I am open for all comments.

I read this article from, really explaining the reasons why he is acting the way he is.

Signs That Your Husband Doesn't Love You Anymore

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Black Hair Products

This is an article I have read about Black Hair Products,
and how we as African American women with Natural hair should be taking care of our hair. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


my opinion


I went to Walmart a few weeks ago to pick up some under garments for my 3 1/2 year old daughter, and I decided to add in some beauty products. I ran out of a deep conditioner, so I decided to try "Organic Root Stimulator" brand Hair Mayonnaise treatment for damaged hair. It contained all these natural ingredients that are excellent for the hair. I have read reviews and opinions on different natural hair websites, like Nappturality, Associated Content, and Afrobella to name a few.

I needed a product for my natural hair. I am a natural hair wearing sista, so I neeeds MOISTURE at all times. A product that lets my hair retain moisture and Organic Root Stimulator Hair Mayonnaise did the job.  The ingredients seem natural and not with those harsh chemicals like Mineral Oil and Petrolatum, which prevents moisture from entering your scalp.

My hair came out so soft and shiny from the first time using the Hair Mayonnaise. I left it in over night with a plastic cap on from sitting under the conditioning heating cap for 45 minutes. I washed it out the next afternoon. It was so soft and shiny and it seem stronger, more curl definition and my products saturated my hair better.

Here is a clip from community essence groups:


I also went to Costco and picked up a 40 oz pump-like bottle of Dove Daily Moisture Therapy Shampoo for dry, rough hair with a Moisturizing Serum. I read the ingredients, because I have created a habit of reading the back of labels off of anything that I buy. I'm just interested on what is in the things that I buy. It doesn't have any harsh ingredients that is known for not being good for natural hair. I figure it is a good habit, to know exactly what your putting in your body, whether its topical or not. It makes you wonder sometimes, like if you can't understand what the ingredients are, why would you put it in your system and wait for whatever to happen. It's better to be more knowledgeable and cautious.

I washed my hair with this Moisturizing Shampoo before I Deep conditioned with the Organic Root Stimulator Hair Mayonnaise. It didn't make my hair feel brittle or dry. My hair felt soft and supple, not robbed of all its natural moisture. I wanted to wait and see if the first time results would happen again for the second time, so I can know for sure that this was a good moisturizing Shampoo. I wash my hair at least weekly, so this is my opinion from using the Dove Shampoo for the third time since I brought it. I like the shampoo and I will continue to buy.


Now this protein treatment is the first time that I have used this. I have been reading about this Aphogee for a long time. I have been watching videos on You Tube and reading about it on natural hair blogs, and I wanted to try it. I have been negleting my hair and my deep conditioning routine since I had my third baby, and she is 6 months old now. My hair was starting to get real dry and brittle and it seemed like when I would do a hot oil treatment, the oil wouldn't saturate my scalp like it was supposed to. I had split ends, not so bad, but I could see that it was starting to split at some strands.

I used to be on a strict routine of washing, then deep conditioning then finally rinsing with apple cider vinegar on my hair weekly. I wouldn't miss, and at that time, my hair was in its best state. I noticed a big difference on the way I would comb my hair and it would be kind of tangled. It wasn't like that before I started neglecting it. I was able to easily manipulate the comb through my hair when I would detangle with conditioner. So I decided "buy it and try it" .

One thing for sure, you have to be very careful on following the directions, exactly, as it illustrates on the bottle. If you don't, you will pay the price. I have read on some reviews, that it smelled like rotten egg and it stinks very badly. I think that it has a smell, but not that bad as some people describe, bug every body has their own opinion. One thing I don know for sure, that all of that hard work is worth it, because my hair came out so much stronger, softer, shinier, and more curl definition. The problem with my products not adhering to my hair strands was gone. My hair was more moisturized now because of the oils now saturating my scalp like it is supposed to. I will continue to use this every 6 weeks. EXCELLENT!


Now I brought this conditioner on a whim, even though it has great ingredients. I was sort of skeptical at first because of the 79 cents price tag. Don't be fooled about price tags, because this is a conditioner that I use for detangling purposes. I would wash my hair, deep condition then saturate my hair with this conditioner on sections of my hair and use my detangling brush. I would take out the braids in sections the following day and my hair was so shiny and moisturized and I didn't have to moisturize my hair often, until maybe 4 days.

I recently started using conditioner as my detangler and moisturizer. I was looking for a leave-in conditioner that is going to leave my soft, looking and feeling moisturized. I have tried numerous hair lotions and it would leave a residue in my hair when it dried. I have recently saw a video on You Tube and a woman was using conditioner as her detangler and she was doing it for a long time. I decided to try it to, because it wouldn't hurt. Sometimes you learn something by just taking that chance.

I have been using this White Rain Fortifying Conditioner for like a month and a half now, and I love it. It made my hair stronger, because it contains Fruit oils and concentrates. Panthenol, being one of the main ingredients that you look for in a conditioner

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I am a married mother of 3 beautiful, blessed children, who I enjoy spending quality time with.

I currently am a stay-at-home mom. So you know I have to find something to enjoy in my spare time for myself.  I love to read inspiring novels and books that are informative, as well as good resources for the mind and spirit.

I feel like this world doesn't exist by material things. It's a lot of people out there who are more materialistic than being themselves and just going with the flow.  That includes meeting new people and enjoying conversation, which I enjoy doing.

I just love to help people the best way I can.  I don't do it for recognition, I do it because it's apart of me.  If  I was rich, I would help as much people/organizations that I can for the less fortunate.  I always be aware that someone is going through worse situations than myself.  That's why I know that throughout all my struggles and triumphs I have been through, I AM BLESSED!

I strive for higher education, because it's one of the most important accomplishments to achieve in life.  It's not for anyone else, but for yourself.  You are the one that's going to benefit in the long-term.  I plan on going back to college to complete my Bachelor's Degree in Office Administration/ Management. It's never too late!

I have been through a lot of negative experiences and dealt with people, including family members who perpetrated like they cared about me.  They tried to bring me down in so many ways, mentally and emotionally, that I would get more into in my future postings.

I decided to take that negative and I turned it into a positive to benefit me, or else they would have won the WAR.  I knew that graduating from high school and college, I will be able to take care of myself. I'd be able to move away from these negative people that was in my circle at the time as quick as possible.

I am just the type of woman who tries to be genuinely honest on every level, not FAKE.  I believe it takes too much energy to be phony and not be yourself.

My new liking, at this moment, that I want to continue is Blogging.  I really enjoy it, because of the people I meet in the same situations/circumstances. Just meeting new people from all walks of life. I am still learning as I go along and will continue to learn as long as I live. I take good/positive advise as they come along, just no  Negativity, Please. My senses are receptive to the POSITIVE in things!

My inspiration is also my children, who taught me more patience about everything in life. One thing I know for sure is that, if you acquire patience, you will be able to get through any adversity or setback. I try to put GOD first before anything and everything, because there is always a Higher Power to determine any outcome. Just hold on to that comforting word of, FAITH, and all will prevail.  GOD has Blessed me beyond my understanding, not saying I don't deserve it, because everyone does.

The reason for me writing this blog, first off, is I know it will inspire others out there going through negative situations and maybe want to get out of it. In turn that helps me even more, because I know I am receiving a reception. That's one option that I would like to accomplish.

May God Bless you all!

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I was searching the sites for a new Theme Template for my Blog. Something that will have the relevancy or the feel of my topic.  The template that I have now is from a woman name Tenille:


I made a really bad error saying in my past post that the layout/design of my blogs template was from some other template designer. Please forgive me, Tenille, if your reading out there. You make some beautiful designs and you deserve full credit for that.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ricochet/Deja Vu

I was thinking about how sometimes in life, the same scenario would play itself out again.  I am especially speaking from a personal point of view, as well as from my own experiences on this subject in many ways.

It just seems to me that when you go through an emotional/mentally devastating situation(s), for example, an abusive relationship you have to make sure you learn from it.. Not learning anything from that type of experience would not be beneficial to you or your children if you have any. You would find yourself back, once again, in the same abusive relationship, becaue you didn't learn from the previous abusive relationships. The only difference would be that it was a different person , but the same scenerio. Here is a video about the subject of Deja Vu here:

It seems inevitable to not pass down a negative path of the same negative situations, depending on your mental, as well as emotional well-being.  Everybody goes through negative experiences in their lives. It just depends on how you may have handled the situation to not experience it again. You have to ask yourself: Didn't  I learn from the negative experience I went through before and vowed not to make those same bad decisions over and over again? Make the smart decision and stick to that decision. Words, anyone can pronounce and say out of their mouths, but it takes action, for even yourself, to take the statement and manifest it.

Everybody has options in life to choose which path they would want their life to go. Me, personally, it just seems to me that sometimes negative situations happen by random from "wrong place, wrong time" scenerios.  I say that because from experiences, scenarios happened to me with my own family members that I didn't expect. I then, in turn, experienced the same outcome from things in my a relationship with an older man 13 years my senior when I was 22 years old, up until 29 years. I didn't know better at the time. I did know for sure that I didn't and will not go through the same abusive relationship with anybody again, whether it be friends, family, whoever. It comes in all forms.

I was brought up in a surrounding that was materialistically plentiful, but emotionally support was lacking. I say that, not to get off of the subject of Deja Vu situations, but to say that it effects children when your not there for them emotionally. Some people may not call it abuse, well I oppose. I got whatever I asked for from my guardians when I was younger, but not what I really needed. When I got older and got into relationships, without me knowing, I was searching for what I was missing when I was a child. My biological parents didn't raise me, so without me realizing it and being immature, I accepted any kind of acceptance I received from that abusive relationship.

I think that is one of the reasons, maybe many people out there, on why I kept having the same abusive DejaVu situations. In addition, not having my biological parents in my life, even in the present day, makes me feel even worse and they are knowledgeable of my contact information. They just choose not to be in my life for whatever reason, unknown.

I wanna know if there is anyone out there who may have went through any type of negative experience that you have tried to get over. All of a sudden, the same Deja Vu experience creep-ed up on you again?  

Friday, November 13, 2009

Ought to be Ashamed

Bad Influence

Chris Brown ought to fell really ashamed for even trying to promote any album or himself on BET today. What he, allegedly, has done to the beautiful Rihanna is inexcusable on every level. She is a woman, not a man for the outcome to be the way it was from just a disagreement about, whatever. He ought to continue his sentence for community service, counseling and whatnot to have more time to think about what he has caused. Click on the link to watch Rosci from 106 & Park on BET interview Chris Brown. 

For such a young man of his age, he has a lot of life lessons ahead of him. So hopefully he learned from this one. Only time will tell, because you can't play an act for so long. The real person will come out sooner than later.

He did some interviews recently, on Larry King Live, talking about what happened between him and Rihanna. My opinion is that he wasn't honest or genuine with his comments. He was stuttering and he really didn't know how to put his words together to even make a statement, because I just think he was feeling embarrassed and ashamed for even talking about it. He felt like he was "On the Spot" sort to speak, the light was shining on him, but his performance is not positive or innocent entertainment.

There are  a lot of people in this world that are not doing things positively, because this is not a perfect world. But then you have other people who strive for perfection by believing in the Higher Power, which is God of course and trying to teach others how to attain the same things in their life. Those are the people that are going to manifest actions showing others that they are not perfect, but I am trying to accomplish things in life that are beneficial to me and others around me.

I grew up with this saying, "Birds of a feather flock together", which is so true. That saying means that if you are not the type of person that manifest negativity, and the people that you associate yourself with do, why are you talking to them or associating yourself with them if your not of that caliber.

I learned that when a person is miserable, they want company. Like the saying goes "Misery loves Company", which is so true. Most people that are miserable like to wallow in their misery, because that is their comfort zone, they don't know any better.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Some of my Natural Inspirations {mind and/or spirit}

One of my Natural Hair and/or Spiritual Inspirations  

Every time I see (Jill Scott), whether it be on television, magazines, or even if I hear her on the radio, I get inspired because of her attitude as well. She is one of the prime examples of what being "Natural" really means.

Her music, I think is very much so underrated. I think it is because she mostly sings about love and Soul music, which is not really attracting this up and coming generation to much. Whats more attractive nowadays is superficial music and dialogue that's so typical. I am more into the Old school music, because it's Naturally speaking about life and real love, and how to maintain that.

natural hair

I don't know thisv woman's name, truly embarassing, but anyway I have seen her a lot on I think the TV show, "Entertainment Tonight", if I am not mistaken. If it's not that show, then it's one of those entertainment news shows.  I am quite sure about that one because I watch those shows all of the time. If that's the case you would think that I would know her name. I will find out though, for sure.

Soon as I saw her hair for the first time, I was so inspired by the way her Natural hair was styled. It seems like more of a braid-out than a twist out. Ever since that first time I saw her hair, I would look for her when I would watch the show, just to see her hairstyle. She maintains her hair very well which I love. She has the Natural personality to go with it as well.

Tips for New bloggers


India Arie, of course will be in this category, because she has been Natural since, she came out onto the scene, and I am sure before that. Her personality really shines through her music, which is so soulful and reminds me of Peace and teaches me to be nobody but yourself, because you look at yourself in the mirror at the end of the day. She is just not afraid of being who she is, no matter what anybody says. Except her for who she is or nothing else.

I think her music is underrated as well, because some people think that facing reality sometimes is scary.
It is at times, but we all have to do it sometimes, and I think that her music really reflects that we all have to look at ourselves sometimes and realize we have to be REAL within ourselves, and that's why I love some India Arie.


This is of course one of my Ultimate Favorites Natural Woman, Erykah Badu. She is such an eclectic person as well as her personality to go with it. She is what you call "Soul Music", very underground and witty, very catchy, if you have ever watched her perform. You wouldn't have a choice but to get up and dance, because her lyrics are so spiritual, but real at the same time.

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Monday, October 12, 2009

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Just A New and Natural Day

 Didn't write in my blog for a long time, because a lot of new things are and were happening and I just lost track of it and attending to my blog like i am supposed to.

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This is a picture of me, on the top, left-hand corner, when I was pregnant with my first daughter, but second child, Adonise. This was in December 2005 when I was at my husband, but boyfriend at the time Family's Christmas gathering we had in Baltimore, Maryland. It was so much fun down there. I would like to move down there someday.

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Natural Hair Moms and Their Child (Children) on Circle of Moms
Natural Hair Moms and Their Child (Children)


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